School to School Support

School to School Support
The Potteries Training School Alliance partnership aims to:
- Create an ethos of trust and collaborative working practice
- Identify good practice and other strengths from within the partnership
- Work with partner schools and identify areas for development, and broker appropriate support
- Monitor progress and quality-control support, and share successful collaborative practice
Specialist Leaders of Education
What are Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs)?
The Schools’ White Paper 2010 introduced the SLE role to improve the quality of school middle and senior leadership below head teacher level through school-to-school support and peer-to-peer learning. Building on the success of the work of National Leaders of Education and Local Leaders of Education this third tier of school-to-school support is available nationally through Teaching Schools.
SLEs are middle and senior leaders with a specific specialism who have been designated and trained to support whole school improvement. SLEs can be deployed over a short period of time to deliver staff meetings or Inset, or over longer periods of time to provide on-going support to address whole-school priorities.
SLEs work to develop the leadership capacity of others, using coaching or facilitation support that draws on their knowledge and particular area of expertise.
Examples of programmes on offer:
- Pupil Premium reviews
- Performance Management and Leadership Development
- Planning provision for children with SEND
- Subject Leader Development
- Moderation
- Safeguarding
Although supporting other schools is the key focus, SLEs are also able to engage with other areas of work leading to school improvement. This could include, preparing and delivering training events or working alongside a newly-appointed leader as a mentor/coach in the form of an induction package.
The Benefits for Your School
- The SLEs work is rooted in current leadership practice and draws on real, relevant experience
- The support takes place within your own school, with the SLE working alongside staff to improve outcomes for children
- The support is flexible and bespoke, adapting to the particular needs of your school
- The SLE will bring a fresh perspective to specific challenges or issues, as well as specialist knowledge and expertise
- Working with an SLE can help to assure long-term, sustainable improvement
- A deployed SLE can contribute to improving overall school performance, by providing a specific focus for development and implementing tangible goals that staff can really engage with
- SLEs use a coaching model which is non-judgemental, whose aim is to support the on-going development and improvement of the school
- The SLE will follow a clearly defined agreement based on the needs of the supported school put in place prior to the deployment
For further information please contact us at or 01782 235340